If there is no open call at the moment and you are interested in the residency opportunity at KORDON, please contact: residency@kordon.ee
Pollen collected by Kordon bees ©KORDON
Summer is the best time to enjoy the sun, the Baltic Sea, and nature in Hiiumaa, and at the same time, to engage in your creative work. We welcome applications from all types of creative practitioners, including visual artists, architects, filmmakers, writers, curators, musicians, performing artists and those working across disciplines or in collaboration. We offer 2 or 4 week residencies which begin on Sundays and end on Saturdays.
Application Process: As the space is limited, we select applicants based on an evidence of their professional experience, quality of past work, project idea and compatibility with other residents staying at the same time.
Application deadline: April 7, 2025
Available rooms and dates: The residency house includes large and small studios/bedrooms with private bathrooms and a fully equipped shared kitchen. In the large studio is a screen and a projector. To get around there are bisycles available. Residents can use the garden and the greenhouse and the honey produced by the KORDON bees. There is The Container Gallery as an exhibition and project space which residents can use when there is no other exhibition at the same time.
Select 2 weeks or 4 weeks from the dates below. We aim to get back to you within 1 week.
June 1 – 14 / LARGE STUDIO
June 1 – 14 / SMALL STUDIO
June 15 – 28 / LARGE STUDIO
June 15 – 28 / SMALL STUDIO
July 13 – 26 / LARGE STUDIO
July 13 – 26 / SMALL STUDIO
August 31 – September 13 / SMALL STUDIO
September 14 – September 27 / SMALL STUDIO
Residency fee per 2 week (13 nights):
– LARGE STUDIO = loft type studio/bedroom (40sqm) / 780 EUR for an individual; 20,00 EUR per day for an additional person in the same studio.
– SMALL STUDIO = studio/bedroom (17 sqm) / 650 EUR for an individual; 20,00 EUR per day for an additional person in the same studio.
Successful applicants will be sent confirmation of dates, KORDON guidelines and an invoice with information about how to pay. The residency fee must be paid at least one month prior to arrival. The granted residency period is not secure until fee payment is processed. If the residency fee and flight information are not provided by the artist one month prior to arrival, the granted residency period may be cancelled automatically without notification.
Expectations towards the artist
As this is a self-funded residency, the only expectation is that the artist works on their project during the majority of their residency. We hope that this supportive environment, without the pressure to produce, will aid creativity, experimentation and the development of new ideas. KORDON, for its part, deals with communication and supports the resident with the necessary help during the residency.
Application form
For questions and more information, please contact: opencall@kordon.ee
Koostöös KORDONi toetajatega on hea meel välja kuulutada kevadine arhitektuuriresidentuur. Ootame kandideerima Eestis ruumiga tegelevaid loomeprofessionaale ja mõtlejaid: arhitekte, sisearhitekte, maastikuarhitekte, urbaniste, kuraatoreid, arhitektuuriteoreetikuid ja ruumiuurijaid. Arhitektuuriresidentuur on mõeldud valdkonnaga seotud tegevuseks ja mõttetööks, olgu see enesetäiendus, pooleliolev artikkel, uurimus, näituseks ja konkursiks ettevalmistumine või lihtsalt uute ideede genereerimine.
Aeg: kuni 2 nädalat ajavahemikus 23. märts – 5. aprill 2025
Kellele: Eestis tegutsevad arhitektid, sisearhitektid, maastikuarhitektid, urbanistid, kuraatorid, arhitektuuriteoreetikud ja ruumiuurijad.
Tingimused: Residentuuriprogramm on tasuta. Residentuurimajas on põhjapoolne merevaatega väike stuudio ja lõunapoolne suur stuudio ning ühine köök. Olemas on wifi ning suures stuudios kasutamiseks ekraan ja projektor. Saarel liikumiseks on olemas jalgrattad.
Taotluste tähtaeg: 7. märts 2025
Palume esitada vabas vormis taotlus, mis sisaldab: kontaktandmed, soovitud periood, lühibio ( ca 150 sõna) ja lühike kirjeldus, millega on plaanis residentuuris tegeleda (ca 150 sõna)
Taotlused palume saata: opencall@kordon.ee
In collaboration with our sponsors we are pleased to announce a short residency program for creative professionals and thinkers working in field of architecture in Estonia. We are looking for architects, interior designers, landscape architects, urbanists, curators, architectural theorists and researchers to apply. The KORDON architecture residency is intended for activities and thinking related to the field, whether it is self-improvement, an article in progress, research, preparation for an exhibition or competition, or simply drawing inspiration and generating new ideas.
Duration: 2 weeks between March 7 to April 5, 2025
For whom: architects, interior architects, landscape architects, urban planners, curators, architectural theorists and researchers working in Estonia.
Terms: the residency program is free for the resident. The residency house has a small studio with a sea view to the north and a large studio to the south with separate bathrooms and a shared kitchen. There is wifi and a large screen and projector for use in the large studio. To get around there are bisycles available.
Application deadline: March 7, 2025
Submit: free-form application, including: contact information, period, short bio (150 words), short description of what you plan to do during the residency (150 words)
Applications should be sent: opencall@kordon.ee
funded residency program 2025 – 2026 for Ukrainian artists
Thanks to the funding by the Nordic Culture Point, Estonian Creative Residencies Network LOORE can provide support to Ukrainian artists, writers, curators, critics, musicians, dancers and other cultural workers. During 2025 – 2026 members of the LOORE network will host artists through a funded residency program, giving artists the opportunity to make use of the different available opportunities of the organisations and the unique networking possibilities, such as visits, workshops, talks and programs in other locations.
This open call presents 8 different residency spaces in Estonia including KORDON. Artists are asked to apply to the residency program which fits their work best. Residency period is 2 month. Artists will receive 1800€ stipend and 350€ travel allowance. More details of each organization and the application procedure can be found here
The deadline for applications is on 28 February 2025.
KORDON offers a residency opportunity in this program in October – November 2025. You are very welcome to apply!
KORDON self-directed and self-funded artist-in-residence program: MARCH–MAY 2025
We welcome applications from all types of creative practitioner, including visual artists, architects, filmmakers, writers, curators, musicians, performing artists and those working across disciplines or in collaboration. We offer 2 or 4 week residencies which begin on Sundays and end on Saturdays.
Application Process: As space is limited, we select applicants based on an evidence of their professional experience, quality of past work, project idea and compatibility with any other residents staying at the same time.
Application deadline: January 6, 2025
Available rooms and dates: The residency house includes two studios/bedrooms (large and small) with private bathrooms, a fully equipped shared kitchen and a washing machine. Included in the residency fee are sheets, towels, all detergents, water, electricity, heating, and internet access. In the large studio is a large screen and a projector. To get around there are bisycles available. Residents can use the garden and the greenhouse and the honey produced by the KORDON bees. There is The Container Gallery as an exhibition and project space which residents can use if there is no exhibition at the same time.
Large studio with bedroom on the mezzanine © KORDON
Small studio / bedroom © Terje Ugandi
2025 MARCH - MAY
Select 2 weeks or 4 weeks from the dates below then fill in the application form.
We aim to get back to you within 14 days after application deadline.
9 – 22 February / SMALL STUDIO
23 February – 8 March / LARGE STUDIO
9 – 22 March / LARGE STUDIO
9 – 22 March / SMALL STUDIO
23 March – 5 April / LARGE STUDIO
23 March – 5 April / SMALL STUDIO
6 – 19 April / LARGE STUDIO
6 – 19 April / SMALL STUDIO
20 April – 3 May / LARGE STUDIO
20 April – 3 May / SMALL STUDIO
4 – 17 May / LARGE STUDIO
4 – 17 May / SMALL STUDIO
18 – 31 May / LARGE STUDIO
18 – 31 May / SMALL STUDIO
Residency fee per 2 week (13 nights):
– LARGE STUDIO = studio (30 sqm) + double bedroom on mezzanine (10 sqm) / 650 EUR for an individual; 20,00 EUR per day for an additional person in the same studio.
– SMALL STUDIO = double studio/bedroom (17 sqm) / 520 EUR for an individual; 20,00 EUR per day for an additional person in the same studio.
Successful applicants will be sent confirmation of dates, KORDON guidelines and an invoice with information about how to pay. The residency fee must be paid at least one month prior to arrival. The granted residency period is not secure until fee payment is processed. If the residency fee and flight information are not provided by the artist one month prior to arrival, the granted residency period may be cancelled automatically without notification.
Expectations towards the artist
As this is a self-funded residency, the only expectation is that the artist works on their project during the majority of their residency. We hope that this supportive environment, without the pressure to produce, will aid creativity, experimentation and the development of new ideas. KORDON, for its part, deals with communication and supports the resident with the necessary help during the residency. KORDON offers all creative practitioners and researches a change of pace and the space to create.
For questions and more information, please contact: opencall@kordon.ee