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KORDON LAB on Food and Energy

KORDON LAB is a research platform focused on food and its connections to the surrounding environment, including environmental change, non-human agency, traditions, culture, and seasonal variations.

How to merge traditional techniques with contemporary knowledge?
How can we identify other modes than production and consumption?
How can transdisciplinary practices propose alternative relations to food and energy?

Publication of the residency project KORDON LAB on Food and Energy.
Graphic Design by Ott Kagovere, in collaboration with Linnea Lindgren; Typesetting by Mariliis Tarja.
Curators: Ann Mirjam Vaikla & Rasmus Jensen; Artists: Aga Pokrywka,
Mia Tamme, Jonas Palekas. Photos: Kymbali Williams, Kaja Hiis.

Photos of different events that took place during KORDON LAB in 2023-2024 / Fotod erinevatest KORDON LABi sündmustest 2023-2024.
Photos by / Fotod: Kymbali Williams, Kaja Hiis



(In Estonian below)

The residency programme KORDON LAB on Food and Energy will conclude with public events on the 19-20 of July. On both days it is possible to get an insight into the research and works by the artists: Aga Pokrywka, Jonas Palekas and Mia Tamme. The works will unfold in various forms: filmic performance, sound performance and a shared dinner – unravelling the hidden stories about women who fish, or in collaboration with local plant species, human voices, and insular soundscapes, asking the question: What is foreign? And a summer school which brings together participants from various backgrounds to delve into a collective practice of experimental and creative cooking.

KORDON LAB on Food and Energy is a one year long cyclical residency curated by Ann Mirjam Vaikla and Rasmus Jensen. The residency has followed the variety of seasons, allowing the selected participants to create an in-depth relationship to the north-east context including Hiiumaa island, and its recurrent political reshapings. By inviting residents to map, reflect and transform techniques and knowledge of food in relation to energy – it seeks for a paradigm shift in our perception of making human and other-than-human life possible.


19.07. Friday
8pm – filmic performance by MIA TAMME: “Võrgu mõrsjad ja vesised mõrrad”

20.07. Saturday
7pm – summer school public event by JONAS PALEKAS and the participants: “Experimental Cooking”

10pm – sound performance by AGA POKRYWKA: “They came from beyond”

– All events are for free!
– All events take place /or have their starting point at KORDON (Ranna 1, Kärdla).
– All events will be in Estonian and English.


Residentuuriprogramm KORDON LAB: toit ja energia lõpeb avalike sündmustega 19.-20. juulil, kus esitlevad oma teoseid kunstnikud Aga Pokrywka, Jonas Palekas ja Mia Tamme. Filmilik lavastus, heliperformance ja suvekooli sündmus pakuvad sissevaadet kunstnike teekonda, kes on uurinud unustatud lugusid naiskaluritest, või koostöös kohalike taimede, inimhäälte ja saarele omaste helidega, püstitanud küsimuse: Mis on võõras? Olulise osa residentuurist moodustab rahvusvaheline suvekool, mis toob kokku erineva taustaga osalejad, et üheskoos kaevuda eksperimentaalse ja loova kokkamise võimalustesse.

KORDON LAB: toit ja energia on ühe aasta jooksul erinevatel aastaaegadel toimunud tsükliline residentuur, mida kureerivad Ann Mirjam Vaikla ja Rasmus Jensen. See lähenemine andis residentidele võimaluse luua sügavuti minev kontakt kohaliku konteksti, Hiiumaaga, mida on ajalooliselt mitmel korral ümberkujundatud. Kutsudes residente kaardistama, reflekteerima ja ümbermõtestama meetodeid ja teadmisi toidust, toidu käsitlemisest ja selle seotusest energiaga otsitakse paradigma muutust inimeste ja enam-kui-inimeste elu jätkusuutlikkuse tagamisel.


19.07. Reede
20.00 – filmilik lavastus / MIA TAMME: “Võrgu mõrsjad ja vesised mõrrad”

20.07. Laupäev
19.00 – suvekooli avalik sündmus / JONAS PALEKAS ja osalejad: “Eksperimentaalne kokkamine”

22.00 – heliperformance / AGA POKRYWKA: “Nad tulid kaugemalt”

– Kõik sündmused on tasuta!
– Kõik sündmused toimuvad /või saavad alguse KORDONist (Ranna 1, Kärdla).
– Kõik sündmused on eesti ja inglise keeles.



Aga Pokrywka:
“During my residency at Kordon Lab, I am working on a sonic journey inspired by invasive species found on the island of Hiiumaa. Through a combination of research, field recordings, ferments, and interviews, I am weaving a narrative that draws parallels between immigrant plants and people. By putting thoughts and beliefs in the brine of shared discourse, I seek embodiments of justice and well-being, both within ourselves and in others. Just as the fermentation of introduced species reveals their unique tastes and properties, conversations with the new locals expose fresh perspectives. Human immigrants and alien species need not be feared as strangers; they can enrich the diversity of new habitats, providing novel opportunities for evolution. They are, in essence, the embodiment of evolution”.

Jonas Palekas:
"For my residency period, I will aim to initiate a collaborative event celebrating inventive and site specific culinary practices - Summer School for Creative and Experimental Cooking. As a continuation of my ongoing interest in food preservation traditions, I will research on unique cellar tradition present in Kärdla - the local architecture of seasonality and its potential to address problematics of the modern food systems. During the time of my residency and event of the Summer School I will raise a goal to speculate on the change in the regional food cycles and will try to find ways in to opening the Kärdla’s cellars and learning from them”.

Mia Tamme:
“I am undertaking an audio-visual research about the role of women in coastal fishing practices and fishing folklore. With a hint of fiction I document the state of sacred places including the fishing chapel on Kalana peninsula, and claim that traces of animist beliefs can still be seen in activities connected to fishing. I angle myself between fading heritage knowledge, changes in the natural environment and shift in the gender dynamics on the island of Hiiumaa. During my residency I work towards a cinematic performance piece that amplifies the remains of mythological knowledge systems through displaying the modern relationship with aquatic foods”.

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Here you can follow a collective research board on ARE.NA



(In Estonian below)

KORDONair is pleased to announce the four selected participants for the residency cycle KORDON LAB on Food and Energy: Aga Pokrywka, Jonas Palekas, and Mia Tamme.
The residents will arrive to Hiiumaa in the upcoming summer where they will each initiate their proposed research in collaboration with the surrounding landscape and its human and non-human inhabitants. The artists will keep returning to the island throughout the year to emphasise the long-term process in relation to the change of seasons. The open call inspired over sixty artists to apply coming from diverse cultural backgrounds within and beyond the Nordic and Baltic region. The KORDONair team was in the selection process collaborating with two external jury members of Hiiumaa: Kadi-Ell Tähiste and Toomas Kokovkin.

Aga Pokrywka is a Polish-born, Finnish-based multidisciplinary wizardess. With a background in film, science, and non-fiction storytelling, she works with graphic design, video, sound, and collaborative practices in order to build eclectic narratives. She is interested in re-telling stories and capturing diverse viewpoints through multimedia and non-linear strategies. She is fascinated by how we comprehend the invisible and capture it with our senses, whether it be microbes, celestial bodies, or systemic structures. Aga is currently working, among other things, on Ferment Radio, a podcast series on bacterial and social fermentation, and Super Eclectic, a creative studio on a mission to inspire action on the most critical issues of our time, through multimedia and imagination.

Ferment Radio IG
Super Eclectic IG

Jonas Palekas is a chef and food thinker from Lithuania specialising in performative dinners, experimental food system design, and research on ecological relations and gastronomic phenomenons. Currently, Jonas is a resident at Jan Van Eyck Academie in Maastricht, Netherlands. He is a co-founder of the restaurant Delta Mityba (opened in 2016), which now plays a major role in Vilnius' contemporary art scene. Jonas participates in artistic projects and events across Europe, including Biennale di Venezia 2017 and 2018, Volcano Extravaganza 2019 in Italy, Kunstverein Amsterdam 2019, and others. With interests in social, cultural, and ecological contexts of nowadays world and with his education in culinary arts, he works across the boundaries of humans’ nutritional habits and raises questions related to food in our uncertain times.

Mia Tamme is a visual researcher, graphic designer & an experimental film-maker based in Tallinn, Estonia. She blends ethnographic research and autofiction to connect with the stories from the periphery. Mia digs in the knowledge of heritage passed down on the grounds of Estonia, and scans how folk objects and tales shape personal, hence, political identities. In her project Digitally Knit she documents the friction between conservatism and progress in a Western Estonian knitting community that holds a 200-year old lace-making craft. In the Home Video series Mia probes her own family heritage, and proposes sailing as a way of rethinking social norms. She has studied visual communication in Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands, worked as a design researcher for Strelka Magazine in Moscow, and for Technoflesh Studio in Amsterdam.


Meil on heameel välja kuulutada residentuuriprogrammi KORDON LAB: toit ja energia residendid:
Aga Pokrywka, Jonas Palekas ja Mia Tamme. Residendid saabuvad Hiiumaale algaval suvel, mil nad alustavad enda poolt välja pakutud teema uurimisega, koostöös ümbritseva maastiku ning selle inimestest ning mitte-inimestest elanikega. Pikaajaline protsess, mis vältab terve aasta, annab kunstnikele võimaluse tulla tagasi saarele mitmel korral suhestudes seeläbi vahelduvate aastaaegadega. Avatud konkurss inspireeris kandideerima üle kuuekümne erineva kultuurilise taustaga kunstniku Põhjamaadest, Baltikumist ja kaugemalt. KORDONair tegi kunstnike valimisel koostööd kahe väljastpoolt kutsutud ning Hiiumaaga seotud žüriiliikmega: Kadi-Ell Tähiste ja Toomas Kokovkin.

Aga Pokrywka on Poolas sündinud ning Soomes tegutsev multidistsiplinaarne wizardess. Filmil, teadusel ja dokumentaalkirjandusel põhinevate lugude rääkijana töötab ta graafilise disaini, video, heli ja koostööl põhinevate kunstipraktikatega eesmärgiga luua eklektilisi narratiive. Ta huvitub lugude taasrääkimisest läbi erinevate vaatepunktide kasutades multimeediat ja mittelineaarseid strateegiaid. Teda kütkestab inimeste püüdlus tajuda nähtamatut, olgu need siis mikroobid, taevakehad või süsteemsed struktuurid. Aga töötab praegu põhiliselt Ferment Radios, mis on tema poolt loodud raadiosaade bakteritest ja sotsiaalsest hapendamisest. Lisaks tegutseb ta Super Eclectic loovstuudios, mille missiooniks on multimeedia ja kujutlusvõime kaudu tuua tähelepanu käesoleva ajastu valupunktidele.

Jonas Palekas on Leedust pärit kokk ja toidu uurija, kes on spetsialiseerunud performatiivsete õhtusöökide tegemisele, uuenduslike toidu disaini puudutavate süsteemide katsetamisele; lisaks uurib ta ökoloogia ja kulinaaria omavahelisi seoseid ja fenomene. Praegu tegutseb ta Jan Van Eyck Academie residentuuris Maastrichtis Hollandis. Jonas on restorani Delta Mityba kaasasutaja (avati 2016), millest on praeguseks saanud oluline kohtumispaik Vilniuse kaasaegse kunsti väljal. Ta on osalenud mitmetes kunstiprojektides üle Euroopa sh Biennale di Venezia 2017 ja 2018, Volcano Extravaganza 2019 Itaalias, Kunstverein Amsterdam 2019 jm. Lähtudes enda haridusest ja teadmistest kulinaaria valdkonnas läheneb ta kriitiliselt inimkonna väljakujunenud toitumisharjumustele pidevalt muutuvas maailmas ning seda mõjutavale sotsiaalsele, kultuurilisele ja ökoloogilisele kontekstile.

Mia Tamme on visuaalne uurija, graafiline disainer & eksperimentaalne filmitegija, kes elab Tallinnas. Ta põimib etnograafilist uurimust ja autofiktsiooni eesmärgiga luua kontakt äärealadel eksisteerivate lugudega. Mia uurib Eestis põlvkondade vahel edasi pärandatud teadmisi ning skaneerib kuidas folk esemed ja lood kujundavad personaalset sh poliitilist identiteeti. Projektis Digitally Knit (‘Digitaalselt kootud’) dokumenteerib ta konservatiivsuse ja progressiivsuse vahel tekkivaid lahkhelisid jälgides Lääne-Eesti kudujate kogukonda, kes on tuntud 200-aastat vana pitsi tegemise käsitöö oskuse tõttu. Home Video (‘Koduvideo’) seerias uurib Mia omaenda perekonna pärandit nähes purjetamises võimalust sotsiaalsete normide ümber mõtestamiseks. Ta on õppinud visuaalset kommunikatsiooni Eindhoveni Disainiakadeemias Hollandis ning töötanud disaini põhise uurijana Strelka Magazine-s Moskvas, ja Technoflesh Studio-s Amsterdamis.


(In Estonian below)


Call open 26.01. - 08.03.2023.
Application deadline: 08.03.2023 by 23.59 (EET).
All applicants will be informed about the selection results by 31.03.2023.

KORDON invites artists-in-residence from the Nordic and Baltic region to widen the understanding of food in relation to energy. Over a one year cyclical residency following the variety of seasons, the LAB allows the selected participants to create an in-depth relationship to the north-east context and its recurrent political reshapings.

We recognise food as a carrier of locality and culture wherein techniques such as smoking, drying, salting and fermenting have been necessary transformations of energy sources to sustain life in the northern hemisphere. This connection has been disappearing with the separation of food production from its origin and the artificial refinement of produce – maintaining the social and economic status quo of globalisation.

How can we identify other modes than production and consumption?
How to merge traditional techniques with contemporary knowledge?
How can transdisciplinary practices propose alternative relations to food and energy?

The grounds and the context of the residency, situated on the Unesco biosphere reserve amidst the Baltic Sea on Hiiumaa island in Estonia, forms a starting point for further engagement between the residents’ artistic practices, the locality and its inhabitants. By inviting residents to map, reflect and transform techniques and knowledge of food in relation to energy – we seek for a paradigm shift in our perception of making human and other-than-human life possible.

We are looking for artists-in-residence from the Nordic and Baltic countries from a wide range of practices including architecture, visual- and performing arts etc. In addition we are keen to receive applications from professional chefs who wish to broaden their practice in relation to the arts. The residents are expected to carry an individual artistic process as well as have the willingness to live and work in a collective setting wherein caring for the common and working collaboratively is essential.

Each resident will be invited for apx. 11 weeks of residency that is divided between three different time periods to emphasise the long-term process in relation to the change of seasons. 
First residency period is characterised by research and mapping which takes place in late summer/early autumn 2023 – a time of abundance and the possibility of harvesting.
Second residency period is characterised by testing and experimenting which takes place in winter/early spring 2024 – a time for reflection and learning.
Third residency period is characterised by shaping and finalising the artistic ideas during the peak of summer 2024 –  the liveliest time on the island wherein artistic works will be opened to the public.

Each resident will receive a one time artist fee of 3000€, production grant up to 2000€, per diems up to 900€. We cover slow travelling costs (by land and sea). We offer free accommodation in the newly reconstructed residency house.

To apply we ask you to compile the following into one single pdf file:

  • CV (including contact information: name, surname, address, email and website if available)

  • Portfolio or other visual material

  • Answers to the following questions:

    • How do you relate your practice to this residency cycle and the proposed topic?
      (max. 500 words)

    • How would this residency contribute to the development of your research and practice? (max. 250 words)

    • How did you find out about this open call (website, newsletter, social media)?

Deadline: 8th of March, 2023 by 23.59 (EET).
We ask you to send the application to: opencall [at]
Questions regarding the application process can be directed to the same email address.

KORDON LAB on Food and Energy is curated by Ann Mirjam Vaikla and Rasmus Stenager Jensen and funded by the Nordic Culture Point. Additionally the applications will be assessed by the KORDONair team: Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla, Urmo Vaikla, Ingel Vaikla and invited external jury members: Kadi-Ell Tähiste (Association of Estonian Art Institutions) and Toomas Kokovkin (The MAB Programme, Unesco).


Konkurss avatud 26.01. - 08.03.2023.
Taotluse tähtaeg: 08.03.2023 kl 23.59 (EET). 
Taotlejaid teavitatakse konkursi tulemustest 31.03.2023.

KORDON kutsub osalema kunstnikke Põhjamaadest ja Baltikumist, et ümbermõtestada toidu ja energia vahelisi seoseid. Aasta aja jooksul erinevatel aastaaegadel toimuv tsükliline residentuur annab residentidele võimaluse luua sügavuti minev kontakt kohaliku kontekstiga, mida on ajalooliselt mitmel korral ümberkujundatud.

Toit on kohaliku kultuuri kandja, kus suitsutamine, kuivatamine, soolamine ja hapendamine on mänginud olulist rolli elu jätkusuutlikkuse tagamisel siinsel laiuskraadil. Need traditsioonid on kadumas toiduaine kunstliku töötlemise tõttu ning päritolust eraldamise tulemusena, mis omakorda soodustab sotsiaalset ja majanduslikku globaliseerumist.

Kuidas mõelda väljapoole tootmisest ja tarbimisest kantud elukorraldust?
Kuidas siduda omavahel traditsioonilised töövõtted ja kaasaegsed teadmised?
Kuidas luua erialaüleste praktikate kaudu alternatiivseid lähenemisi toidule ja energiale?

Residentuur paikneb keset Läänemere Unesco maailmapärandi biosfääri Hiiumaal ning on lähtekohaks kunstnike edasise tegevuse, kohaliku konteksti ja selle elanike vahel. Kutsudes residente kaardistama, reflekteerima ja ümbermõtestama meetodeid ja teadmisi toidust, toidu käsitlemisest ja selle seotusest energiaga – otsime paradigma muutust inimeste ja enam-kui-inimeste elu jätkusuutlikkuse tagamisel.

Otsime loovisikud Põhjamaadest ja Baltikumist, kelle praktika ja tegevusvaldkonnad varieeruvad alates arhitektuurist kujutava- ja etenduskunstini jne. Lisaks ootame kandideerima professionaalseid kokkasid, kes soovivad laiendada oma tavapärast praktikat ning siduda seda kunsti valdkonnaga. Residentidelt eeldatakse individuaalse loomeprotsessi kallal töötamist ning valmidust kollektiivsuseks, mille puhul on oluline kanda hoolt ühiste vajaduste ja soovide eest ning teha teistega koostööd.

Residentuuri pikkuseks on kuni 11 nädalat, mis on jaotatud kolme ajaperioodi vahele (iga periood pikkusega u 1 kuu). Selline jaotus annab võimaluse suhestuda erinevate aastaaegadega ning keskenduda loomeprotsessile pikema aja vältel.
Esimest residentuuriperioodi iseloomustab uurimine ja kaardistamine, mis toimub hilissuvel/varasügisel 2023 – viljade valmimise ja saagikoristuse aeg.
Teist residentuuriperioodi iseloomustab katsetamine ja eksperimenteerimine, mis toimub talvel/varakevadel 2024 – aeg õppimiseks ja reflekteerimiseks.
Kolmandat residentuuriperioodi iseloomustab produtseerimine ja avalikud sündmused, mis toimub suvel 2024 – elavaim aeg saarel, mille jooksul võtavad loomeprotsessid oma lõpliku kuju ning avatakse publikule.

Igale residendile eraldatakse ühekordne kunstnikutasu: 3000€. Lisaks kaetakse produktsioonikulud kuni 2000€ eest ning päevakulud kuni 900€ eest. Lisaks kaetakse edasi-tagasi sõidukulud (aeglane reisimine maa ja mere teed pidi). Residentidel on võimalus tasuta majutuda värskelt renoveeritud residentuurihoones.

Kandideerimiseks palume saata inglise keeles ühe pdf failina järgnevad materjalid:

  • CV (sh kontaktinfo: ees- ja perekonnanimi, aadress, email, kodulehekülg)

  • Portfoolio või muu visuaalne materjal

  • Vastused järgnevatele küsimustele / Answers to the following questions (in English!):

    • How do you relate your practice to this residency cycle and the proposed topic?
      (max. 500 words)

    • How would this residency contribute to the development of your research and practice? (max. 250 words)

    • How did you find out about this call (website, newsletter, social media)?

Tähtaeg: 8.03.2023 kl 23.59 (EET).
Palume taotlus saata e-posti aadressile: opencall [at]
Küsimuste korral palume ühendust võtta samal e-posti aadressil.

KORDON LAB: toit ja energia residentuuri projekti kureerivad Ann Mirjam Vaikla ja Rasmus Stenager Jensen ning seda rahastab Põhjamaade kultuuripunkt. Lisaks kuraatoritele osaleb žüriitöös KORDONair tiim: Tüüne-Kristin Vaikla, Urmo Vaikla, Ingel Vaikla ning kutsutud žüriiliikmetena: Kadi-Ell Tähiste (Eesti Kunstiasutuste Liit, KAEL) ja Toomas Kokovkin (MAB Programm, Unesco).

KORDONair (artist-in-residence) facilitates art in dialogue with architecture and nature. It explores social and artistic dimensions of space, diversity of culture and wilderness. The interdisciplinary residency is located in the Unesco biosphere reserve on the border of Kärdla city, the capital of Hiiumaa island in Estonia. KORDON LAB on Food and Energy is curated by Ann Mirjam Vaikla and Rasmus Stenager Jensen in collaboration with the KORDONair team. Residency programme is funded by the Nordic Culture Point.

KORDONair (artist-in-residence) on platvorm, mille eesmärk on dialoogi loomine kaasaegse kunsti, arhitektuuri ja looduse vahel. KORDON huvitub ruumi sotsiaalsest ja kunstilisest mõõtmest, mis koondab oma tegevuses kultuuri ja koha mitmekesisusi. Interdistsiplinaarne residentuur tegutseb Unesco Lääne-Eesti saarte biosfääri programmialal Kärdla linna piiril Hiiumaal. KORDON LAB: toit ja energia residentuuri projekti kureerivad Ann Mirjam Vaikla ja Rasmus Stenager Jensen koostöös KORDONair tiimiga. Residentuuriprogrammi rahastab Põhjamaade kultuuripunkt.